Stephen Aslami, MD
I was drawn toward the field of medicine as a young boy looking through science textbooks that my father had acquired during his university studies. I knew early on that I wanted to be a physician. I was excited by the prospect of learning everything I could about how a human being could grow and develop into a functioning person with so much capacity to think, work, create and experience the natural world. Medicine was the perfect fit for me when I had to choose a career. I enjoyed the intensity of my medical education and despite long and difficult hours, I found medical school and residency training to be very fulfilling. I selected the broad field of internal medicine as my focus in order to continue treating the “whole patient.” I have been practicing in an outpatient setting at St. Mark’s Hospital for over 20 years and have loved the opportunity to work with and help my patients in managing the challenges of acute and chronic diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, asthma, COPD, arthritis, anxiety and depression, to name a few.
I continue my goal of bringing my training and knowledge of health and disease to benefit those who have placed their trust in me. I find that in today’s world, the doctor-patient interaction can feel too rushed. I want to be able to spend more time teaching patients and helping them to understand more clearly their medical conditions and what all the medical testing and results mean. I also want to be able to take the time to help my patients be proactive about improving their health and decrease the worry and fears that may come when health changes occur.
I am committed to empowering individuals with the know-how to live healthier, fuller lives. This partnership with MDVIP will enable me to assist my patients in preventing illness through a better balance in life, including attention to exercise, stress management and nutrition. I also want to be able to work with you when ailments do come along, as well as try to detect problems early. My new MDVIP-affiliated practice involves a detailed annual wellness exam which will allow us to work in depth on your current concerns and to prevent new problems. I will also have the time to work you in for appointments with me when you first notice concerns, thus avoiding delays in getting you back to feeling well. I look forward to working together with you in achieving a healthier life!